The biggest challenge that we see organizations face is the “Multiple Destination Trap”. The team members have different ideas of what success looks like and are working on different projects to get there. Or worse, the team can’t decide or get aligned on what it is, so the targets change from day to day and month to month.
This causes uncertainty, frustration, a lack of progress, and is the largest source of under-performance at any time.
In order to escape the Multiple Destination Trap your team needs to be aligned on both strategic elements like your Vision, Mission, Values, Priorities, Goals, and Actions as well as operational components like: How do we communicate, who is doing what, and how are we going to track progress.
Strategic Planning Process
Getting clarity and alignment as a group is systemic when you have a clear and specific process. Our strategic planning process follows a 5-step process that we’ll go through over the two days in person.
The core outcomes from this process will provide clarity, alignment and buy-in for your Vision, Mission, Values Strategic Priorities, Goals, & Actions.
In advance of the planning process, we will conduct a survey and interview key leadership team members and participants as well as some key stakeholders.
Sample questions include, "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"; "In your ideal world, what does success for the organization look like in 3 years?"; and "Why do we exist?"
Once your team is aligned on strategic elements of your plan, it’s critical that you schedule in time to review your plan so that it stays top of mind and doesn’t get put on the back burner as the urgent day to day (operational) work takes over.
Moreover, the more closely you can tie your big picture strategic work to the operational, the greater progress you will make towards your long term goals.
In our implementation packages, we provide accountability, coaching and training within these 6 areas to help your plan moving forward while elevating your team’s capacity and aptitude.
By establishing a framework to prioritize, your organization will make more progress, minimize switching costs, and maximize the resources (Time, Money and Energy) your team has available.
In order to do this effectively, your organization needs to be clear on both your vision and the risks and roadblocks ahead of you.
Once these priorities are identified, they will focus action within your organization and lead to greater progress and more measurable results.